Character Detail


Evolution Hunter Prill

➀ When I'm directly constructing skyland, apply large snow weather effect.
65% chance to cancel opponent's movement seal skill.
➂ When I arrive at my landmark or skyland, constructing my landmark or skyland, 70% chance to install checkpoint at desired area.
➃ When I'm rolling dice, 78% chance to apply water spray block effect at all areas within dice result range.
➄ When I'm rolling dice double, get marbles as much as 120% of salary.

Basic Costume

➀ When an opponent constructing landmark, 60% chance to shot unruly bomb at one of opponent's area randomly.

Bunny Costume

➀ When an opponent constructing landmark, 85% chance to shot unruly bomb at one of opponent's area randomly.
➁ When I'm constructing area, 70% chance to automatically move to an empty area within line.
75% chance to defend opponent's pet movement.

Origin Costume

➀ When an opponent constructing landmark, 85% chance to shot unruly bomb at one of opponent's area randomly.
➁ When I'm constructing area, 70% chance to automatically move to an empty area within line.
75% chance to defend opponent's pet movement.