Character Detail


Evolution Krai Tong

➀ When I arrive at my area or directly constructing my area, 50% chance to construct additional landmark at nearest empty area (inactive growth +10%).
➁ Every my dice chance, 80% chance to select movement direction to roll dice then select an area within dice result range to teleport into <activation exception>.
➂ Every my dice chance, 85% chance to remove installation, summoning, and block effect within dice result range.
65% chance to cancel calling skills of opponent.

Basic Costume

➀ When I arrive at opponent's landmark, after paying rent fee or exempt rent fee 80% chance to paint the landmark for 2 turns by paying marble to the landmark owner as much as the area's basic rent fee (after 2 turns, growth +15%).

Rashguard Costume

➀ When I arrive at opponent's landmark, after paying rent fee or exempt rent fee 80% chance to paint the landmark for 2 turns by paying marble to the landmark owner as much as the area's basic rent fee (after 2 turns, growth +15%).
60% chance to defend dangerous effects.
60% chance to defend marble theft.