Character Detail


Evolution Lily

➀ When an opponent arrives at their own landmark, 85% chance to apply nightmare block effect at that area.
➁ When my turn starts, 70% chance to select an empty area to teleport into.
40% chance to defend opponent's jail detaining attacks <activation exception> (inactive growth +15%).
➃ When my turn starts, get marbles as much as 45% of construction fee of my owned areas.

Basic Costume

➀ When I arrive at my area or directly constructing my area, 40% chance to construct additional landmark at nearest empty area (inactive growth +15%).

Angel Costume

➀ When I arrive at my area or directly constructing my area, 40% chance to construct additional landmark at nearest empty area (inactive growth +15%).
➁ When an opponent constructing landmark, 60% chance to shot unruly bomb at one of opponent's area randomly.