Character Detail

Evolution Ragon
➀ When I'm constructing, 50% chance to auto construct landmark (inactive growth +15%).
➁ When I'm constructing my landmark, 75% chance to summon dragon soul.
➂ When I'm constructing area my landmark, 45% chance to get dice 1× chance.
➃ When I'm rolling dice, 75% chance to charge energy.
➄ When my turn ends while the energy is fulfilled, select any desired area to move.
Basic Costume

➀ When I arrive at my landmark or constructing my landmark, 40% chance to install dragon nest on all my landmarks.
Uniform Costume

➀ When I arrive at my landmark or constructing my landmark, 40% chance to install dragon nest on all my landmarks / When I arrive at opponent's area, 75% chance to transfer multiplier then lock multiplier.